Man sitting in his car after a car accident, holding his upper back

Are Spinal Injuries Permanent?

Spinal cord injuries are one of the most severe conditions affecting people of all ages. They are not always permanent, but they can be. Spinal cord damage can lead to sensation and movement loss, making them frustrating and challenging to recover from. In some cases, however, spinal injuries can result in paralysis or death – this is why it's so important for you to understand what these conditions mean for you and your loved ones.

Answers Vary

The short answer is that spinal injuries are not always permanent, but they can be. Spine injuries are typically classified as temporary or permanent.

Some of the most common causes of spinal cord damage include trauma from accidents, sports injuries, and infections (including meningitis). Accidents can result in a variety of injuries depending on where you are injured. For example, if you suffer a spinal injury while riding your bike and fall over the handlebars, it could cause damage to your neck or back. Similarly, if you are involved in a car accident where you hit your head on the steering wheel or windshield, this could also cause serious damage to your spine. Sports injuries can also lead to spinal cord damage especially if they occur during contact sports such as football or wrestling, where there’s potential for heavy impact that can result in injury to joints and bones in addition to ligaments around them being torn apart.

Spinal cord injuries may result in either partial or complete damage to the body's central nervous system (CNS). In both cases, permanent disability may occur if proper care is not received early on after the accident.

The Way You Recover Depends

Spinal injuries vary considerably, and the way you recover depends on several things, including how much of your spinal cord has been damaged.

A variety of events can cause spinal cord injuries. Some people sustain a complete spinal cord injury, which means all nerve fibers in their spine are damaged. Other people may have some damage to their spine but no damage to the nerves themselves. This is known as an incomplete spinal cord injury.

A blow or jolt to the head or neck can cause pressure on the vertebrae (bones) and/or soft tissues around them; this can lead to swelling within these areas that press directly upon nerves or against bony protrusions which press directly against nerves. This pressure causes inflammation and irritation which leads over time if left untreated will lead to further degeneration/destruction; this type of trauma often results in bruising which may not show up until several days after the initial trauma occurs because blood clots form around those areas where there was most severe impact during initial contact.

Signs To Monitor

One of the first signs that you might have spinal cord damage is if you experience one or more of these symptoms:

  • numbness, tingling, or pins and needles in any part of your body

  • weakness in the arms or legs

  • pain in the arms or legs

  • sudden bowel and bladder control problems

  • not being able to control the movement of your limbs

So, as you can see, there are several different types of spinal injury and the severity varies from case to case. It’s hard to know exactly how someone is going to recover from their injuries so it’s important that you get them checked out by a doctor as soon as possible if they think something has happened.

If you or a loved one was injured, The Shellist Law Firm, PLLC can help. Contact us online or call us today at (713) 999-6855 to schedule a free case consultation.